Most backyard pond fish are able to fight off disease organisms that are constantly present in their environment. When the fish are in the most optimal conditions and a stress-free environment, they are able to fight off the most typical infectious diseases. But fish that are under stress have a harder time fighting off infection.
The three most common types of infection found in pond fish are bacterial, fungal and parasitic.
Bacterial infections are usually identified by inactivity, open sores, loss of color, bloated bellies, cloudy eyes and more.
Be on the lookout for abnormal movements such as erratic swimming, scratching, or darting, as well as a fluffy, almost cotton-like substance on the eyes, mouth, or skin.
Parasitic infections are given away by a loss of appetite and lack of movement, a film over the body, visible worms, or rapid breathing.
Different Types of Treatment
Stock up on various fish pond supplies that can help keep your fish healthy. Medicated fish food, bacteria control, and more can help fight against common disease and infection. Pond Salt helps general fish health and increases their resistance to parasites. Water treatments will also decrease the chances of fish disease.