Where has April gone? Anybody else feeling this way? So much to do and so little time to do it. Our ponds are coming to life and doing their usual thing...growing algae. Why you ask? In my opinion, it is Nature’s way of using up the nutrient in the water in order to protect the fish. Your bacteria colony is at a low point due to the cold weather, your fish have just now started being active after the Winter and the waste level is increas-ing, not many plants are growing to much yet and this combination of events causes the algae to proliferate. Once your plants really take off and your bacteria colony flourishes from the nutrient and warmer water the algae will struggle and eventually disappear. (That’s our hope anyway). Now is the time to clean out your filters, you can use chlorinated water on your mechanical filters (media pads, baskets, nets but not on your biological filter media, whatever that is, the chlo-rine will kill any remaining bacteria that made it through the cold weather. As for algaecide use right now, I advocate against it. I think you’re just adding to the problem by creating dying organic matter that eventually results in more algae growing due to the nutrient rich water. Much better to do a partial water change of 50% now; another 10-20% next week which will decrease the amount of those un-seen bad things existing in your water column. Adding bacteria regularly is the best option now.
Our fish won’t be out of quarantine until May 18th but plants will be ready this next weekend, May 4th. We have some outstanding lilies and lots of marginal plants for you to choose from.
Always be humble and kind
This is the time to check your UV light and make sure it is working properly. Remember, the bulb is only good for 9000 hours of use so if you left it plugged in all Winter, it’s time to change it for a new one. If you turned it off, it may still be good for this coming season but at the very least you need to take it apart and clean the glass sleeve or plastic covering depending on which brand you are using. If it has too much calcium deposit on it the light can’t reach the algae that flows over the sleeve and won’t work effectively or at all.
Check the schedule for start times. All classes are free and open to the public. No advance registration required. More classes added each month. One Pond Dollar awarded for each class. Attendees receive a 10% discount on all purchases that day. We train rain or shine in the only indoor pond training facility in the U.S.
2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Tulsa Garden Ctr
www.gcwgs.com for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
(New Location) Grace UMC, 6316 N. Tulsa, OKC
www.wgso.org for more info
Meetings on hold until further notice
www.stillwaterwatergardens.org for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Red River Tech
580-595-0842 for more info
Military (Active or Retired) and Water Garden Club members
receive a 10% discount
(If you remember to tell us up front! Not after you’ve already paid.)
Valid for Pond Pro Shop purchases only
Please note: Summer Hours
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-6:00pm
and Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm.
Closed Sunday & Monday.
Phone 405-273-8363.