Imagine being born today and having the prospect of living until 3000. Some of you might feel the same way if you were born prior to WWII. Would you have believed you would live to see 2020? I remember things that happened in the 80’s and think “Oh that was just a few years ago.” No it wasn’t, it was 40 years ago. I have many fond memories of my life in grade school and lots of friends from then. Not long ago? Try 60-65 years. I wouldn’t have believed it if you’d told me then that I’d live until now, it was inconceivable. I had no concept of what my 70’s would look like or what the year 2020 could look like. I don’t know that I’d change anything I did even if I had known.
As we enter this new year and new decade, think about all the possibilities that may happen just in the pond world; new technologies, new equipment, new fish, new plants to name a few. What would you like to see in the next ten years for your water feature? Remember, Marcus Aurelius, the Roman philosopher said, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
So far we’ve been lucky weather wise. While this is normally our coldest time of the year, we are enjoying unseasonably warm weather. I use the term ‘warm’ loosely. At least instead of the average 29 we’re seeing days in the high 40’s and low 50’s. I hope this doesn’t mean we’re due for a terrible February. Our ponds are just hanging in there, cold water, dormant fish, dormant bacteria although we are still feeding cold weather bacteria, a little string algae on some waterfalls and streams using up the little ammonia the fish are still releasing, nets keeping the leaves out, plants trimmed and dormant. Not a lot going on the pond world this time of the year. That makes it a great time to start planning your next project. If we can help, come see us. Because we’re typically slow this time of year, it’s a good time to spend some time planning with you.
Enough philosophizing, time to look ahead, plan for the year. Choose to be happy. Try to be healthy. Always be humble and kind
We often have customers ask, “What if my pond freezes over solid this winter?” Don't panic and hit the ice with a hammer to make a hole!! The shockwave may injure your fish and it will for sure give them a headache and they will be mad at you! Many farm ponds freeze over all the time and those fish usually don't die from it. YOUR pond probably has a lot more fish per gallon of water than a farm pond so you should try to keep a hole in the ice for gas exchange. We have several different heaters in stock that should do the trick or you might just leave your pump running. Water flowing at 2,000 gallons per hour or more should not freeze around here.
Check the schedule for start times. All classes are free and open to the public. No advance registration required. More classes added each month. One Pond Dollar awarded for each class. Attendees receive a 10% discount on all purchases that day. We train rain or shine in the only indoor pond training facility in the U.S.
2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Tulsa Garden Ctr for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
(New Location) Grace UMC, 6316 N. Tulsa, OKC for more info
Meetings on hold until further notice for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Red River Tech
580-595-0842 for more info
Military (Active or Retired) and Water Garden Club members
receive a 10% discount
(If you remember to tell us up front! Not after you’ve already paid.)
Valid for Pond Pro Shop purchases only
Please note: No more Winter hours!!!!
We will remain open
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-6:00pm
and Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm.
Closed Sunday, Monday.
Phone 405-273-8363.