New Store Hours
8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tue - Fri.
Closed: Sat, Sun & Mon.
March 2020
Mikes Minutes
There is no advanced registration required and we do not charge for our classes. We will have 12 classes each year, 4 pond builds, 4 pondless waterfall classes and 4 that are general in nature and cover everything from startup to shut down, plants fish and algae, your worst enemy, next to a blue heron.
Water Garden Club Meetings

2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Tulsa Garden Ctr for more info

1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
(New Location) Grace UMC, 6316 N. Tulsa, OKC for more info

Meetings on hold until further notice for more info

1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Red River Tech
580-595-0842 for more info

If you have a water garden club let us know so we can advertise it here for you.

Military (Active or Retired) and Water Garden Club members

receive a 10% discount

(If you remember to tell us up front! Not after you’ve already paid.)

Valid for Pond Pro Shop purchases only

Told you we were getting some bermuda cropping up already. I also need to spray for some of the broadleaf weeds we fight every year. Be cautious if you are doing any spraying around your pond most of the chemicals would be detrimental to your pond inhabitants. Try for early when the wind is less and use a cup over the end of the sprayer to direct the spray where needed.

Get the latest information on our FACEBOOK page.

Please note: No more Winter hours!!!!
We will remain open
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-6:00pm
and Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm.
Closed Sunday, Monday.
Phone 405-273-8363.