We are almost through for the season. If you haven't covered your pond, now is the time. As your trees begin to lose leaves due to lack of moisture, you'll begin to notice them floating on your pond. Watch your skimmers closely, they should be capturing those leaves before they can get waterlogged and sink to the bottom. If some do, you need to grab your dip net and get them out. Don't leave them throughout the winter. They will decompose and that will add nutrient to the water that will cause algae to grow prolifically in the Spring. It also produces an unhealthy layer of muck in the bottom where bad bacteria will grow. If your skimmer is not capturing enough of the leaves, help it out by putting a net over the pond. Support the net in such a way that the leaves don't bag it down into the water or it defeats the purpose of the net. PVC pipe is a good way to do it and you can just knock yourself out designing a framework to hold up the net. Half or three-quarter inch is sufficient unless your pond is overly large, then you might want to consider one inch. Big box stores carry fittings to attach the pieces of pipe together; things like elbows, tee's, couplings, caps, plugs and others. Atlantic/Oase produce a net package with shock-corded poles similar to a camping tent support system that holds up the net over the pond and provides enough extra net around it for many ponds. They only come in two sizes though so we need your pond and stream size to make sure one will fit.
This weekend will be our coolest weather since last Winter. Seems impossible that we skated through July and August without any real heat but we did. This is the beginning of the end for your pond plants and while it's still fairly warm, I suggest you get any trimming done you want to do to your marginals. Our lilies have quit blooming and I noticed today that the pads are beginning to deteriorate. They should be cut back too and probably moved to the lowest point of your pond to winter over. Tropical lilies may not make it unless your pond is pretty deep like four or more feet although we have customers who report theirs make it just fine in three feet so it really depends on your area and where the pond is located in relation to buildings, windbreaks, anything that can help reduce the chilling of the water
We are sold out of fish and plants.The first time in a long time to do so this early. My plan is always to end things prior to the August heat killing the plants in our beds and before the cold weather hits and makes it difficult to transfer fish from inside to out side. However limited availability of plants hurt our inventory this year and a customer with a new pond bought all the fish we had left. We will have both back in stock during the early part of May or late April depending on temperatures and availability. We'll announce when things come in but feel free to call us in the Spring before driving out.
This is that time of the season to get your maintenance done while it's still warm enough to work around your pond so when it gets cold you're not out there trying to cut back marginals or put on a net. Go ahead and put your deicer in the water but don't bother to plug it in, just tether the cord at the skimmer so when you need it you're already ahead of the game.
Always be humble and kind,
As you clean and prepare for Winter, remember to check your UV light. Although you shouldn't need it during the Winter, you might want to clean it and put it away until the Spring or if you don't have a way to bypass it, take it apart, clean it thoroughly, then leave it unplugged. Remember, bulbs should be replaced every nine thousand hours or one year of use. That's 365/24/7 or two Summers in Oklahoma.
At this time we are not planning on conducting any classes. If we ever can have classes again, what do you consider the most important for you? Spring Startup, Algae Control, Filtration, Winterizing, Pond design or Plants/Fish and Algae.
2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Tulsa Garden Ctr
www.gcwgs.com for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
(New Location) Lake-View Nazarene, 3500 NW 50th, OKC
www.wgso.org for more info
Meetings on hold until further notice
www.stillwaterwatergardens.org for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Red River Tech
580-595-0842 for more info
Military (Active or Retired) and Water Garden Club members
receive a 10% discount
(If you remember to tell us up front! Not after you’ve already paid.)
Valid for Pond Pro Shop purchases only
Please note: Summer Hours
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-5:00pm
and Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm.
Closed Sunday & Monday.
Phone 405-273-8363.