As I write this we are closed for our annual inventory and audit. Today is the end of our fiscal year and tomorrow starts a new one.
In the pond world here in Oklahoma, we are finishing up a season. Our ponds are closing down, the plants have all gone dormant, the fish are settling down for the Winter, water temps are declining and if we've done a good job of taking care of our ecosystem, our water is clear. I'm hearing from a few of you who are still battling the dreaded algae monster. This usually is a result of a couple of things this time of year or really anytime during the season. Either you have too many fish for your filtration or your filter isn't sized properly for the amount of waste you are asking it to contend with. Your choices are two, either get rid of some fish or add more filtration. Oh, I just thought of a third; build a bigger pond. I like that one about as much as you hate the first one. The problem is that your fish have released too much waste and the filter is not capable of reducing it so the build up is providing nutrient for algae to grow on. You may have been treating with an algaecide which does kill the algae but then your filter is overtaxed filtering out the dead or dying algae and if you haven't been diligent about keeping it cleaned, it is behind the power curve and can't catch up. While the weather is still nice enough you can get out, clean your filter. Do it again. Every few days, check it and see if it needs cleaning. Do it again. Keep treating with bacteria. Until you either get rid of fish or get a new or additional filter, these are the two things you need to do regularly and keep doing.
The big news for this newsletter is our change over to Winter hours. This year we will begin November 1st with 8-5 Tuesday through Friday, closed Saturday through Monday. Be sure to call before you drive out during inclement weather or around the holidays. I try to keep our closings posted on our Facebook page but sometimes the weather catches me by surprise.
This waterfall filter is flowing almost 8,000 gallons of water per hour which helps keep the pond clear. Proper sized filter matched with the proper sized pump for the number of gallons in the pond and the fish load means the water will remain clear and clean for the Winter.
You may have noticed we have removed two ponds. They had outdated equipment and were in need of replacement. Instead of taking them apart, adding up-to-date equipment and rebuilding then, we have elected to add a couple of new items this year. It will be a surprise. Probably not until Spring but you'll just have to come out to see for yourself.
Always be humble and kind,
It seems like I'm always harping at you on one thing or another, this time it's de-icers or heaters. That really is a misnomer in that a heater doesn't really heat the pond nor does a de-icer remove all the ice. They are actually one and the same. A piece of equipment meant to maintain a hole in the ice to allow for gas transfer. I think you should put it in now while it is still warm and just secure the electrical cord so when we do get some ice you're ready to just plug it in. We're scheduled for a frost the end of this week. A year ago we had a major ice storm. Get yourself ready.
At this time we are not planning on conducting any classes. If we ever can have classes again, what do you consider the most important for you? Spring Startup, Algae Control, Filtration, Winterizing, Pond design or Plants/Fish and Algae.
2nd Tuesday @ 6:30pm
Tulsa Garden Ctr for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
(New Location) Lake-View Nazarene, 3500 NW 50th, OKC for more info
Meetings on hold until further notice for more info
1st Tuesday @ 7:00pm
Red River Tech
580-595-0842 for more info
Military (Active or Retired) and Water Garden Club members
receive a 10% discount
(If you remember to tell us up front! Not after you’ve already paid.)
Valid for Pond Pro Shop purchases only
Please note: Summer Hours
Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-:00pm
and Saturday 9:00am-4:00pm.
Closed Sunday & Monday.
Phone 405-273-8363.